5 Benefits of Using Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS

Discover the top 5 reasons why Terraform is the go-to tool for IaC on AWS, and how it can streamline your AWS infrastructure and boost your productivity.

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5 Benefits of Using Terraform for IaC on AWS | StratusGrid

Tired of manually wrangling your AWS infrastructure? Terraform is the game-changer you've been waiting for. It's the open-source IaC tool that's revolutionizing how businesses manage their AWS resources. With Terraform, you define your Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and unlock the power of automation, scalability, and consistency.

Here at StratusGrid, we've witnessed firsthand how Terraform can transform AWS environments, boost efficiency, reduce errors, and accelerate cloud initiatives. But what exactly makes Terraform such a game-changer on AWS? 

Let’s find out.

Terraform and AWS for IaC: A Powerful Partnership

Terraform is a popular open-source IaC tool developed by HashiCorp. It's known for its cloud-agnostic nature, meaning you can use the same Terraform code to manage infrastructure on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and even on-premises environments. This flexibility makes it a great choice for multi-cloud or hybrid scenarios.

Terraform shares some key similarities with AWS's native IaC tools like CloudFormation:

  • Declarative Approach: Both tools use a declarative model, where you define the desired state of your infrastructure, and the tool takes care of achieving that state.
  • Automation: They automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of infrastructure resources, reducing manual effort and potential errors.
  • Version Control: Both tools support version control, allowing you to track changes, collaborate effectively, and revert to previous configurations if needed.

However, there are crucial differences that set Terraform apart:

  • Terraform

  • CloudFormation (AWS)

Key Differences


CloudFormation (AWS)

Configuration Language



State Management

Built-in AWS-managed

Cloud Agnostic

Community & Ecosystem




When using Terraform for IaC on AWS, you define your desired infrastructure using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) in configuration files. These files describe the various AWS resources, their types, and their properties. 

Here’s a quick video explaining how Terraform works:


Terraform’s streamlined approach automates resource management on AWS and offers flexibility for multi-cloud or hybrid environments.

Learn more in our latest blog Best Practices for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS with Terraform.

Now, while Terraform might seem complex at first glance, its advantages far outweigh the initial learning curve. 

The Benefits of Using Terraform for IaC

You might be wondering, "Why would I use Terraform over other IaC tools or AWS's native CloudFormation?" The answer lies in Terraform's unique strengths and the way it addresses common pain points in IaC.

1. Modularity and Reusability

Terraform's module system promotes a highly organized and efficient approach to infrastructure management. It uses "modules" as building blocks for your cloud resources. 

Need a web server setup? There's a module for that. Database? Module. These modules are reusable, so you can mix and match them to build your ideal cloud setup. This saves time and keeps things tidy and consistent across your projects.

2. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Best Practices

Terraform aligns seamlessly with modern IaC principles. It integrates with version control systems (like Git), so you can track changes, collaborate with your team, and roll back to previous versions if needed. Plus, it gives you a sneak peek of what's going to change before you actually make the changes, so there are fewer surprises.

3. Community and Ecosystem

Terraform's popularity has fostered a vast and active community of users and contributors who are always ready to help. You'll find tons of tutorials, examples, and support online. And since it's so widely used, there are tons of add-ons and tools available to make it even more powerful.

4. Agentless Architecture

Unlike some IaC tools that need extra software installed on your servers, Terraform operates agentlessly. This means less overhead, simplified management, and reduced potential points of failure in your infrastructure.

5. Drift Detection and Correction

Terraform acts as a watchdog for your cloud. It keeps an eye on your infrastructure to make sure it matches your desired configuration. If any unexpected changes happen—maybe someone manually adjusted a setting—Terraform will not only notify you but can also automatically fix the issue, keeping your infrastructure in top shape.

Pro tip: Automatic drift correction is a feature of Terraform Cloud, the premium offering.  Open-source Terraform users can still set up custom drift detection mechanisms using external tools or scripts.

👉 While Terraform offers a powerful and flexible approach to IaC on AWS, its effectiveness hinges on proper usage. Just like any tool, there are pitfalls to avoid and best practices to embrace. 

For a comprehensive guide on maximizing Terraform's potential, read our blog post on Best Practices for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS with Terraform. You'll also learn how to avoid common mistakes that can derail your Terraform journey.

Ready to Experience the Benefits of Terraform on AWS Firsthand? Let StratusGrid Guide You

Terraform's power to revolutionize your AWS infrastructure management is undeniable. But leveraging these advantages requires the right expertise and strategy.

Here at StratusGrid, we specialize in helping organizations harness the full power of Terraform on AWS. Our team of seasoned cloud engineers can help you design, implement, and optimize your Terraform workflows to achieve your specific infrastructure goals.

Contact StratusGrid today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more reliable, efficient, and future-proof cloud infrastructure.

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