How Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Can Help Your Organization Reduce Costs

Reduce IT costs, boost efficiency, and accelerate deployment with Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Discover how IaC can transform your business.

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How IaC Can Help Your Organization Reduce Costs | StratusGrid

Are your IT costs skyrocketing? Do you find yourself spending endless hours on manual server configurations? You’re not alone. Setting up servers, networks, and databases manually is slow, error-prone, and expensive.

Good news – there’s a way to streamline this process, cut costs, and boost efficiency. Let us introduce you to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and the financial benefits it can bring to your organization. But first, let’s go over what IaC is and how it works.

What is Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a way to manage and set up your computer systems using code as opposed to manual processes and settings. In other words, you write code for your infrastructure, just like you would write code for a website or an app. Instead of manually configuring everything, you write code that defines the exact configuration of your systems.

IaC is a game-changer for IT, especially for DevOps teams. It makes it easy to create, change, or even delete parts of your infrastructure with a few keystrokes.

Here’s how IaC works in practice:


You start by creating a file using a specific IaC language or tool (like Terraform or CloudFormation). This file serves as a detailed blueprint and outlines all the necessary components of your infrastructure—servers, databases, networks, and more. Within the code, you meticulously define each resource and its configuration, and specify details like the size and operating system of an Amazon EC2 instance. 

To maintain a clear history and facilitate collaboration, you then save this code in a version control system like Git. With your infrastructure blueprint in place, you can execute the code using an IaC tool. The IaC tool reads your configuration file and directly interacts with your cloud provider (such as AWS) to create and configure the resources precisely as you've defined them. 

Once deployed, the IaC tool becomes your central command center, which allows you to continuously monitor and manage your infrastructure. Need to make an update? Simply modify the code, redeploy, and the IaC tool will ensure your infrastructure remains consistent and aligned with your latest specifications.

With IaC, teams can collaborate on the infrastructure code, make changes, and review updates using version control practices. This collaboration ensures that changes are well-documented and reversible if needed. However, the benefits of IaC extend far beyond simply automating infrastructure setup. 

Let's take a closer look.

The Benefits of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

The power of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) lies not just in its technical capabilities, but in its profound impact on your bottom line.

  • No More Typos: Humans make mistakes. IaC ensures everything is set up correctly every time.
  • Speed: Need a new server? IaC can set it up in minutes, not days. That means you can react to changes in your business instantly.
  • Always Up to Date: With IaC, your infrastructure stays consistent and predictable, which eliminates the sneaky errors that crop up over time.
  • Full Transparency: One of the key advantages of IaC is its ability to version control your infrastructure code. With IaC, you know exactly what's happening in your IT environment and who made changes, so you can troubleshoot issues faster.
  • Scalability: IaC lets you easily adjust your resources to match your needs, so you're not paying for what you don't use.
  • Better Teamwork: IaC encourages collaboration between teams, so everyone's on the same page and things get done more efficiently.

But how do these benefits translate to actual cost savings?

How Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Can Help Your Organization Reduce Costs

IaC is a practical solution to a host of problems that have long plagued IT teams and, quite frankly, their budgets. 

This is how IaC can help your organization slash costs:

IaC works by automating routine tasks, such as server setup and configuration. This automation frees up your IT team to focus on strategic projects that drive innovation. Automation also minimizes the risk of costly human errors. 

With IaC, you only provision the resources you truly need, which helps avoid overspending and ensures optimal resource allocation. The increased visibility and control offered by IaC significantly reduce the risk of unexpected downtime, a major contributor to lost revenue.

Also, IaC enables your infrastructure to scale seamlessly with your business and allows you to respond quickly to market changes and launch products faster. Additionally, the clear insights into resource usage provided by IaC empower you to identify and eliminate any inefficiencies. Without inefficiencies, you’ll be maximizing the return on your IT investment!

In essence, IaC is like a tune-up for your IT budget. It ensures that your environment runs smoothly, efficiently, and with maximum output.  

If you're ready to unleash the full power of your IT budget through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in AWS, StratusGrid is here to help you navigate the process. Contact us today to explore how we can tailor an IaC solution for your unique business needs.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS

If you're already using Amazon Web Services (AWS), IaC is a natural fit. AWS offers a variety of IaC tools that automate your cloud infrastructure. 

Here's a quick overview:

  • Description

  • Best Suited For

IaC Tool


Best Suited For

AWS CloudFormation

The foundational IaC service for AWS, CloudFormation enables you to model and provision your entire AWS infrastructure using templates written in YAML or JSON. Teams familiar with AWS and a declarative approach to IaC.

AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)

SAM is specifically designed to streamline the development and deployment of serverless applications on AWS, simplifying the management of resources like Lambda functions, API Gateway, and DynamoDB. Building and managing scalable, cost-effective serverless applications on AWS.

AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

If your team is well-versed in popular programming languages, CDK lets you leverage those skills to define your infrastructure as code, integrating with your existing development tools and workflows. Teams comfortable with popular programming languages and wanting to leverage existing tools and workflows.

AWS CDK for Kubernetes (CDK8s)

CDK8s bridges the gap between your AWS infrastructure and Kubernetes, allowing you to define and manage complex Kubernetes resources using familiar programming languages.

Managing complex Kubernetes environments on AWS.

AWS CDK for Terraform (CDKTF)

CDKTF offers a unique advantage by allowing you to use your preferred programming language to write Terraform configurations, combining the power of Terraform's provider ecosystem with the familiarity of your chosen language.

Combining the flexibility of Terraform with the familiarity of a chosen programming language.

AWS Cloud Control API

For maximum control and customization, the Cloud Control API provides a programmatic interface to manage resources across AWS services, enabling you to create custom workflows and integrate with existing systems.

Building custom workflows and integrating with existing systems for maximum flexibility and control.

HashiCorp Terraform

As a versatile, open-source IaC tool, Terraform is not tied to a specific cloud provider, making it an excellent choice for multi-cloud or hybrid environments. Its large community and extensive provider support ensure flexibility. Teams using multiple cloud platforms or hybrid cloud environments.


Pulumi empowers you to define infrastructure using familiar programming languages and offers enhanced flexibility compared to some other IaC tools. Its support for various cloud providers and infrastructure types is a plus.

Diverse environments and teams who value flexibility and the use of familiar programming languages.


Choosing the right tool depends on your specific needs, team skills, and existing infrastructure. The best tool is the one that aligns with your organization's goals and capabilities.

If you're ready to harness the power of IaC, StratusGrid is here to help.

Tired of IT Costs Draining Your Budget? Let StratusGrid Automate Your Savings with IaC

StratusGrid specializes in helping businesses leverage the power of IaC on AWS. Our team of experts can guide you through the entire modernization process, from tool selection and implementation to ongoing management and optimization. We understand the complexities of AWS infrastructure and can help you navigate them with confidence.

With StratusGrid, you can:

  • Accelerate your IaC adoption: We'll work with you to design and implement an IaC strategy that aligns with your business goals.
  • Optimize your infrastructure: We'll help you identify cost-saving opportunities and ensure that your AWS resources are used efficiently.
  • Enhance your security and compliance: We'll implement best practices to ensure that your infrastructure is secure and compliant with industry regulations.
  • Streamline your operations: We'll automate routine tasks and provide ongoing support to keep your infrastructure running smoothly.

Ready to take the next step? Contact StratusGrid today to learn more about how we can help you unlock the full potential of IaC on AWS.


1. What is infrastructure as a code in AWS?

IaC is the practice of managing and provisioning your AWS cloud infrastructure through code instead of manual processes. This allows you to automate infrastructure setup, updates, and scaling, leading to significant cost savings, improved efficiency, and reduced errors.

2. What are the AWS IaC products?

AWS offers a comprehensive suite of IaC tools, including:

  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM)
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes (CDK8s)
  • AWS Cloud Development Kit for Terraform (CDKTF)
  • AWS Cloud Control API

3. What are the advantages of infrastructure as code IaC?

IaC offers several advantages, including:

  • Reduced infrastructure costs through automation and optimization
  • Increased speed and efficiency in setting up and managing infrastructure
  • Improved consistency and reliability of your infrastructure
  • Enhanced collaboration between teams
  • Easier scalability to match your business needs
  • Better visibility into your infrastructure and changes made to it

4. What are the key principles of infrastructure as code?

  • Idempotence: Executing the same IaC code multiple times produces the same result, preventing unintended changes.
  • Modularity: Infrastructure components are defined in separate modules, making them reusable and easier to manage.
  • Version Control: IaC code is stored in version control systems like Git, allowing you to track changes, collaborate, and roll back if needed.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): IaC is integrated into automated CI/CD pipelines for seamless infrastructure updates and deployments.

5. What is the difference between infrastructure as code and infrastructure as a service?

IaaS is a cloud computing model where you rent infrastructure (servers, storage, networking) from a provider like AWS. IaC is a practice that helps you manage and provision that infrastructure in an automated and efficient way using code.

6. Is infrastructure as code the same as DevOps?

IaC is a key component of the DevOps philosophy, which emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams. However, IaC is just one aspect of DevOps, which also encompasses practices like continuous integration, continuous delivery, and automated testing.

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