Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS with Terraform: 9 Mistakes to Avoid

Learn to avoid 9 critical mistakes and discover how StratusGrid can help you build a secure, efficient, and profitable cloud infrastructure with Terraform.



Terraform’s growing popularity on AWS is no coincidence—it’s one of the top choices for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS. In fact, last October 2023, AWS celebrated 2 billion downloads of the HashiCorp Terraform AWS Provider. However, with great power comes the potential for significant mishaps.

If you have experienced setbacks using Terraform for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS, StratusGrid is here to help. We’ve identified the most common pitfalls that even seasoned Terraform users encounter—and more importantly, how to avoid them altogether.

9 Critical Terraform Mistakes to Avoid on AWS

Here's a breakdown of common missteps that can derail your Terraform journey on AWS:

1. Not Using Version Control

Terraform configurations are code, and should be treated as such. Without version control, tracking changes, collaborating with others, and reverting to previous states become extremely difficult. Mistakes can't be easily undone, which makes debugging and troubleshooting a nightmare. Also, collaboration becomes messy and error-prone.

Always use version control (like Git) to track changes, collaborate, and roll back if needed.

2. Hardcoding Values

Avoid hardcoding values directly in your Terraform code. Hardcoded values make your configuration rigid and difficult to reuse in different environments. You'll have to duplicate code for each environment, which increases maintenance overhead and the risk of inconsistencies.

Instead, use variables and input variables to make your configurations more flexible and reusable.

3. Ignoring State Management

Terraform state files track the actual resources deployed. If the state file is lost or corrupted, Terraform loses track of what's deployed, which makes updates or tear-downs risky. You could end up with orphaned resources, billing surprises, or even data loss if you try to re-deploy without accurate state information.

Securely store and manage state files, preferably using a remote backend like AWS S3.

4. Lack of Modularity

Don't write monolithic Terraform configurations. Large, monolithic configurations are hard to understand, maintain, and reuse. It becomes an exhausting task to make changes or add new features, and it leads to slower development cycles and potential errors.

Break them down into modules to improve readability, reusability, and maintainability.

5. Not Testing Changes

Before applying changes to production, always test them in a development or staging environment. Applying untested changes can lead to unexpected outcomes, downtime, or even data loss in production. You could face service disruptions, costly rollbacks, and damage to your reputation.

Use terraform plan to preview the changes and terraform apply to apply them.

6. Insufficient Error Handling

Terraform can fail due to various reasons. Without error handling, failures can leave your infrastructure in an inconsistent state or cause unexpected behavior. You might end up with partially deployed resources, security vulnerabilities, or even complete system outages.

Implement error handling mechanisms (e.g., using try and catch blocks) to gracefully handle failures and prevent unexpected behavior.

7. Overlooking Security

Insecure configurations can expose your infrastructure to attacks, data breaches, and compliance violations. If you overlook security, you could suffer financial losses, legal repercussions, and damage to your brand's reputation.

Follow AWS security best practices when configuring resources with Terraform. Avoid exposing sensitive data in plain text, secure access controls, and encrypt sensitive information.

8. Lack of Documentation

Without proper documentation, undocumented infrastructure becomes a black box, which makes troubleshooting and future modifications difficult. At the same time, onboarding new team members becomes challenging, and even experienced engineers might struggle to understand the system.

Write clear and comprehensive documentation for your Terraform configurations. This will help others understand your infrastructure setup and make it easier to troubleshoot issues.

9. Neglecting Cost Optimization

Without cost optimization, you might end up overspending on cloud resources. Unnecessary expenses can quickly add up and impact your bottom line and project budgets.

Terraform can help you manage costs by automating resource provisioning and decommissioning. Utilize features like lifecycle policies, spot instances, and reserved instances to optimize costs. To learn about best practices for Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS with Terraform, read our latest blog here.

Don't let mistakes cost you money. Partner with StratusGrid to safeguard your AWS infrastructure. 

Our Terraform experts can help you identify and rectify existing issues, implement best practices, and build a resilient and efficient cloud environment that supports your business goals.

Terraform Errors Are Costly. Ensure AWS Success with StratusGrid

Misconfigurations, unexpected outages, and wasted resources – these are just a few of the costly consequences of Terraform errors when doing Infrastructure as Code (IaC) on AWS. Don't let these issues drain your budget and derail your projects.

At StratusGrid, we specialize in modernizing and optimizing AWS environments with Terraform. Our team of experts can guide you through the entire process, from crafting robust Terraform configurations to implementing best practices for security, scalability, and cost efficiency.

Contact StratusGrid today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more reliable, efficient, and future-proof cloud infrastructure.

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