
AWS Application Modernization Services

Your cloud modernization partner, from start to finish.

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Our Approach to AWS Cloud Modernization

With 10+ years of modernizing applications to be cloud-native, our team of AWS-certified engineers mastered a four-step playbook. Our team is recommended by AWS for its efficiency and reliability. 


Alignment & analysis

We identify your organization’s goals, identify the best ways to measure results and share a baseline to refer to prior to getting our team working on your AWS environment.

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We build a detailed and measurable action plan to make improvements and ensure it aligns with your company goals. We also perform a risk assessment and identify mitigations.

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Testing & Execution

We test our assumptions and do pilots to help de-risk the project. Our team works alongside your teams to execute the plan while monitoring process changes as needed.

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Review Results

Before we close engagement we complete a closing presentation to your main stakeholder so you understand and can measure the impact of our work together.

Why Modernize Your AWS Cloud Environment


Delight Your Customers

AWS cloud modernization can help you improve user experience by making your applications faster, more reliable, and more scalable. All of which is essential to remain competitive and meet the growing expectations of your customers.

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Improved Security

AWS gives access to a wide range of security services and features. By modernizing your environments, you can centralize your security operations, gain real-time visibility into your security posture, and respond to threats quickly and efficiently.

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Short Deployment Times

Innovate with faster iteration and tighter feedback loops by automating testing and deployment.

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Reduce Work in Progress

Reduce the amount of manual work required to manage infrastructure and applications, so your team can focus on more strategic initiatives.

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Cost Efficiency

AWS cloud modernization helps you choose the pricing option that best meets your needs. Only pay for the tools you need and allocate resources strategically to support your business goals.


Our partnerships with StratusGrid and AWS have proven to be a valuable asset for building a solid foundation around scalable cloud applications and modern DevOps practices."

Why StratusGrid


Modernization Expertise

With 10+ years of experience in AWS cloud services, our team brings a unique skill set to the table. We've successfully executed numerous modernization projects, helping organizations mature their cloud usage. With a proven track record of delivering on-time and with the highest quality, we're your trusted partner for a smooth modernization journey.

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Automation & DevOps Practices

At StratusGrid, we embrace the power of automation and DevOps practices. We integrate automation into every stage of the modernization process, streamlining operations, reducing errors, and accelerating deployment. Our commitment to DevOps principles ensures that your applications and workloads are optimized for the best cloud performance, agility, and scalability.

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Security and Compliance

Security is a must in the cloud, and we take it seriously. StratusGrid is dedicated to safeguarding your data and applications, and we are proud to be SOC2 certified. We provide comprehensive security solutions and compliance expertise to meet the most stringent regulatory requirements. Additionally, we've assisted numerous companies across different industries in implementing controls to achieve PCI and HIPAA compliance.

Industries We Serve


Media & Entertainment

Get next-gen content delivery that gives you a competitive edge. Our team has experience building scalable streaming platforms, expanding them to serve new regions, and ensuring they are always responsive and stable.

Learn About This Industry
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Supply Chain Logistics & Advanced Manufacturing 

We became an AWS supply chain competency launch partner in 2022. We support digital transformation, including cloud migration, modernization, and stabilization. Our team helps you enhance your digital products at scale.

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Healthcare Tech & FinTech

It’s mission-critical to protect personal information for finance and health-based institutions. StratusGrid is SOC2 Type 2 certified and HIPAA compliant, helping you build a secure architecture while ensuring rapid feature development.

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Funimation’s Modernization in a Nutshell

Our modernization engagement focused on development retooling using Backstage and service templates to drive increased developer velocity and resiliency to outages. Additionally, global latency was reduced from >1000ms to <300ms, allowing a consent expansion into international markets.



Frequently Asked Questions

What is cloud modernization?

Cloud modernization is the process of upgrading and optimizing your organization's cloud infrastructure and applications to enhance performance, security, and scalability. At StratusGrid, we specialize in tailoring modernization strategies to align with your specific business goals.

How does cloud modernization differ from cloud migration?

While cloud migration involves moving your data and applications from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud, cloud modernization is a step further—it entails optimizing these applications to leverage the full potential of cloud features. StratusGrid’s expertise ensures not just a migration, but a comprehensive modernization that enhances your applications’ performance, security, and scalability.

Is cloud modernization disruptive to my current operations?

It doesn't have to be. StratusGrid ensures a smooth and non-disruptive transition. We employ a phased approach, meticulously planning and executing the modernization to minimize downtime and ensure continuity of business operations. Our team works diligently to safeguard your data and optimize your applications with minimal disruption.

How do I know if my business is ready for cloud modernization?

Assessing readiness involves evaluating your current infrastructure, applications, and organizational goals. StratusGrid offers a comprehensive assessment service, providing insights into your readiness and outlining a tailored roadmap for a successful modernization journey. We consider your specific needs, challenges, and objectives to ensure a customized, efficient, and effective transition.

How does cloud modernization improve security?

Cloud modernization enhances security protocols, implements advanced encryption, and strengthens identity and access management. With StratusGrid, you gain a partner committed to supporting your security posture. We integrate cutting-edge security technologies and practices, ensuring your data and applications are protected against threats while meeting compliance standards.

Start Your Cloud Modernization Journey Today!

Want to learn more about how it works? Talk to one of our AWS-certified experts today.