
Healthcare tech and security

Claimwell's healthcare tech platform partnered with StratusGrid to enhance security and scalability for their customers.


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    Our web application is very complex and needs the highest level of cyber security. The developers and team at StratusGrid exceeded our expectations with their knowledge and expertise.”

About Claimwell

Claimwell is a medical claim settlement platform that digitizes transactions between healthcare providers and payers. ( 

The challenge

Claimwell had a proof of concept application with a customer interested in coming on board but did not yet meet the prospective customer's privacy, security, and operational requirements. StratusGrid helped them migrate the platform into an environment that met the client's requirements and implemented software changes to enhance the application's security and scalability.

The solution

Claimwell engaged StratusGrid, looking for guidance on relocating their web application from a self-hosted development environment to a containerized, horizontally scalable, multi-stage environment in AWS. The web application utilized the Laravel PHP and React JavaScript frameworks and was a good candidate for containerization after adjustments to the respective code. After containerizing and migrating the web application to AWS, StratusGrid introduced two additional stages to their environment: staging and production. All stages existed in separate AWS accounts, helping the customer to align with best practices and the principle of least privilege. 

When new code was merged into the appropriate Git branch, an AWS CodeStar Connection would detect the change and trigger AWS CodePipeline. The pipeline was for scanning the code for vulnerabilities and code improvements, running unit tests, building the frontend and deploying it to S3, building the backend container images and storing them in a private ECR container registry, and then deploying the containers to Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate. Once a new deployment was smoke tested by developers in the development environment, an authorized user could then manually approve the AWS CodePipeline to promote the build artifacts to staging for further testing by the quality assurance team. Finally, an authorized user could then promote the same build artifacts to the production environment and trigger a new blue/green deployment in the production environment.


Reduced deployment time:

By introducing new, updated AWS infrastructure, we were able to reduce the initial deployment time of new releases to the development environment by over 50%, from 25 minutes to 10 minutes. 

Less labor required:

Complimenting the power of AWS with state-of-the-art, cloud-based approaches, StratusGrid was able to reduce the amount of labor required for deployments from up to several hours by a trained software lead down to as low as 10 minutes by any contributing software developer on the team.

Improved security:

Claimwell's security tooling was significantly expanded. Threat detection and prevention solutions such as AWS GuardDuty and AWS WAF were implemented, vulnerability code improvement scanning was introduced into the deployment pipeline, and new security controls, such as enforcing code reviews before merges in git, were configured.

AWS services and technologies used:

- AWS CodeStar Connections 

- AWS CodePipeline

- AWS CodeBuild

- Amazon ECR

- Amazon CodeDeploy

- Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate

- Amazon EC2 Elastic Load Balancing

- Amazon Aurora MySQL

- Amazon CloudFront

- Amazon S3


- AWS Cloud Development Kit

- AWS CloudFormation

- AWS Lambda

- AWS Cognito

- AWS CloudWatch

- AWS GuardDuty

- Terraform

- Snyk

- SonarCloud

- DataDog

- Vanta.

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