The Best 5 On-Prem to AWS Migration Service Providers

Discover the top 5 service providers for seamless on-premises to AWS migration in 2024, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition to the cloud.

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The Best 5 On-Prem to AWS Migration Service Providers [2024]

Migrating from on-premises servers to AWS cloud, including reducing costs and speeding up the time to market. Migrating effectively and setting up your AWS environment efficiently by partnering with a migration service provider with AWS experience is the best way. With a seasoned partner by your side, you can unlock all the cloud's benefits.

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Why Are On-Premises to AWS Migrations Different

It is possible to migrate to AWS on your own, there are tools that you can use to help, but due to the difficulty of migrating from on-premises infrastructure to AWS, working with a partner is ideal. A partner will know all the best practices from on-prem to the cloud and can apply them for you.

The intricacy of migrating comes from the shift from physical, in-house infrastructure to cloud-based infrastructure. This is a huge change as legacy systems often are highly customizable, complicated, and full of dependencies. This level of difficulty increases the amount of time and money you will need to spend.

You’ll also need to transfer huge amounts of data from your on-prem servers to the cloud. The transfer uses a lot of data and can lead to a bottleneck due to bandwidth.

Finally, since you’re moving to the cloud for the first time, your operations and processes. Your team will need to adjust the way that you manage infrastructure.

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The Best 5 On-Prem to AWS Migration Service Providers

1 - MigrateOne

MigrateOne is a unique, all-encompassing partnership with four incredible businesses working together to provide you with the best migration experience. 

StratusGrid is a Premier Tier AWS Partner that specializes in migration, modernization, and cost optimization. We follow the AWS Migration Acceleration Program with AWS funding to ensure that you’re provided with a tailored roadmap, full guidance, and support.

Relutech provides flexible leasing options for data centers and supports you with decommissioning your servers and asset recovery.

Our next partner, ProsperOps, is a leader in cost optimization that analyzes your AWS data usage patterns to provide you with savings opportunities.

Finally, Xosphere automates your EC2 Instances saving opportunities to improve your cost optimization and performance.

MigrateOne supports and guides you on your full cloud migration journey from beginning to end.

Simplify migration with MigrateOne

2 - EPAM

EPAM’s cloud experts work with you to evaluate your business’s needs and decide your scope. Migrating to the cloud will improve your scalability and cost-effectiveness with their method. They use their automated tool, mig Visor, to reduce risk and accelerate time to market. 

3 - Mission Cloud 

Mission Cloud is an experienced partner that provides a full range of cloud migration services to minimize downtime and move efficiently. They work with you to decide the best migration strategy for your unique business needs.

4 - Rackspace Technology

Rackspace Technology provides custom migration plans to make your migration as smooth as possible. They work with you to give your team training, consulting, and full-service support to ensure you meet your goals. 

5 - Software One

Software One’s approach is to be data-first and to use the seven Rs to build custom plans for their clients. They provide full migration planning, execution, and training for your whole business to maximize your return on investment.

The Main Challenges of On-Premise to Cloud Migrations

There are five main challenges to migrating to the cloud from on-premises infrastructure.

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  • Strategy alignment: If your business doesn’t have a clear strategy on how to migrate, your migration and new cloud environment will become messy. Your cloud migration partner can be a huge help on this point. They will assess your current processes and infrastructure, create a strategy based on your goals, and undertake your migration with a clear strategy in mind. Your roadmap will be shared and followed by everyone involved in the migration to AWS.
  • Complex architecture: On-premises architecture is often older, full of dependencies, and complexities that need to be taken into account and mapped before migrating to AWS. Your cloud migration provider can assess your current infrastructure and plan how they can set up your cloud architecture to be compatible with what you have now.
  • Cost management: You need to carefully calculate your migration costs, which involves understanding the full scope of your migration. Your cloud environment also needs to be configured to correctly manage your expenses so that your spending doesn’t go through the roof.
  • Data security: Migrating to the cloud puts your data at risk as you transfer all that information. You also need to ensure that you’re compliant with data protection laws and any industry rules. Working with a cloud migration partner they can ensure that data is encrypted,  access is protected, and that your cloud is configured to be safe from data breaches.
  • Lack of training: Migrating to AWS means that your data workflows, processes, and management changes. Your IT, engineering, and operations teams need to know how to use AWS to make your migration effective. Working with a cloud migration company they can provide you with complete training and documentation to ensure that everyone feels comfortable with your new cloud environment.

Why Choose MigrateOne for Your On-Prem to AWS Migration

Migrating to AWS can be full of challenges from everything from creating the strategy to managing data and costs. By having a partner to support you with the difficulties and improve efficiency, you save yourself stress and worry. Our partnership, MigrateOne, takes the best experts on migration, AWS funding, and cost optimization to ensure that your migration is smooth and successful.

Reach out to us today for a free cloud consultation!

Comprehensive AWS migration with MigrateOne


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