Why Transportation & Logistics?
StratusGrid believes in Transportation & Logistics as an industry. It’s exciting, growing, and increasingly reliant on advances in technology for innovation and differentiation. Most successful logistics companies now market and discuss their technology as a means to separate themselves from other players, often through TMS and other in-house applications developed to benefit their customers.
Where we feel we can help as an AWS Partner and Managed Services Provider is both with advanced application development and process improvement, as well as with the day-to-day aspects of IT infrastructure and the end-user experience.
Chattanooga, Tennessee is in a unique position, geographically and due to the sheer number of companies in this industry. By many accounts, we are talking about around 2 trillion dollars in the U.S. alone across all areas, and Chattanooga and the surrounding region has a significant amount of this revenue within its economy. Even geographically, it’s perfectly situated at the intersection of I-75 and I-24. It’s even sometimes been called the “Silicon Valley of Trucking”.
Many of our teammates have worked in this industry, and we have seen firsthand the growth and excitement often present at these companies. We have also experienced some opportunities for improvement in the IT models often employed in the industry – and ultimately, StratusGrid is very interested in designing partnership-focused solutions to address the simple, and much more complex issues and opportunities that exist.
Because logistics companies are in the business of logistics first, and technology and proper IT infrastructure are merely tools to improve revenue growth in this segment. That’s where we feel we come in.
As we continue to support and further develop this IT model, we are focused on a simple, phased approach. We feel it gives companies who have little to no investment an entry point, as well as those who are further along with their technology and IT journeys to have an opportunity to still make process and application improvements. At a high level, the phases are:

Instead of Good, Better, Best – we are focused on delivering Great, Greater, Greatest. We want to ensure that any phase of this model is going to be impactful to transportation and logistics’ ability to focus on generating new revenue and not dealing with IT issues.
Technology Trends
We also know that Transportation and Logistics companies are quickly and furiously investing money, time, and energy into identifying and implementing technology to improve their services. These include things like blockchain, A.I., automation, advanced analytics, sustainability, and more.
The commonality among these technologies is that they require scalable, advanced infrastructure to ensure consistent performance and availability without sacrificing security. Without sufficient investment in I.T. basics, technology trends may never go much farther than ideas. And it makes little sense to focus on managing this via continuous capital re-investment rather than relying on the clear advantages that cloud technology and applications provide to businesses of all shapes and sizes.
This industry is absolutely killing it. And frankly, so is this region of the country. We want to use our expertise in cloud, servers, networking, and infrastructure, as well as application development to solve business problems, to send this industry into Space. Maybe literally.
We are also constantly learning and would love to have discussions with those at every level of management to learn more about your business, what pain-points you experience, and how you think we might be able to assist. We are also interested in partnerships with those who support the industry as well – industry organizations, media companies, and more – to gain a full understanding of the part we can play to unlock the full potential of this industry. If you have ideas, contact us today.
More info about our focus on transportation and logistics.
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