“ Out of This World Cloud Services ” has been the company’s tagline for a few years. The current leadership team continued to use this tagline, along with several other pieces of original branding, starting in 2019/2020, but we always knew we would eventually revisit it.
While this tagline was well-suited for the brand when it was first conceived, StratusGrid has changed and grown far beyond this initial definition. At the end of last year, we decided it was time to update our branding and align our messaging with the current and future state of StratusGrid’s brand.
This new tagline was developed using an outside creative agency and involved a specific process to “remove ourselves” from anything that might cloud (lol!) our perspective on this new and important messaging.
We brainstormed and collaborated to think of a tagline that better suited our current products, services, culture, and growth mindset both from a revenue and personal development perspective.
We relied on the creative agency to help us craft something that would stand out and align more closely with our brand while our Executive Team and members of the Growth Team worked to provide the required context and background about who we are, what we do, and why it matters. Without much ado, here is our new tagline for 2022 and beyond:

The purpose of this new tagline is to better tell our story and represent the company as a whole, but there is a lot more to it than that.
The Process
As mentioned, Go Forth and Cloud was developed after we brought in a professional design and branding team to help our Executive Team revisit the values, characteristics, and elements that make StratusGrid truly unique.
The team went through multiple exercises where we were challenged to consider what the persona of our company truly is, in an attempt to discover the happy medium between the promise and purpose of a conventional tagline that we could then incorporate into our own.

The StratusGrid Team and our creative agency members deliberate on what encapsulates our brand voice and persona.
The Story
Ultimately, “Go Forth and Cloud” was chosen for many reasons:
It captures our brand voice and overall team personality in a wholesome, somewhat quirky, but also passionate and helpful way.
It speaks to the way we aim to empower our clients.
It helps orient our audience around what we do.
It exudes motion and momentum, and it generates excitement.
It suggests a call to action for our team and our clients via “Go Forth”.
Our only initial concern with choosing this tagline was that it could potentially limit us from being considered for anything beyond services that relate to the cloud. After further discussion, we came up with this:

The idea here is Go Forth and Cloud remains our primary tagline and speaks directly to what we do. However, we are not simply a cloud professional services company - we manage, build, secure, optimize, etc. our clients’ cloud and other I.T. environments to help them take their technology and business to the next level.
However, most of what we do can be summarized by these five words - so we will use them interchangeably to clearly communicate how we add value.
We believe in this new, refreshed tagline and messaging. It feels like a great fit for where we currently are as an organization, as well as something we can grow into as StratusGrid continues to evolve. The tagline is fun and catchy, and it will differentiate us from other companies who are limited to only being cloud service providers.
The tagline is also memorable and catches your attention. It tells you just enough about us to explain who we are and what we do but not specific enough to be boring and generic.
Ultimately, we feel this was a much-needed update for our overall brand messaging, and we hope you like it as well. And wherever you are in your cloud journey, we hope you will consider partnering with StratusGrid. We are here and ready - to help you Go Forth and Cloud.
BONUS: Download Your FinOps Guide to Effective Cloud Cost Optimization Here ⤵️