AWS Cloud Blog & News | StratusGrid

12 Strategies for AWS Application Modernization by StratusGrid

Written by Leila Scola | May 3, 2024 5:11:47 PM

This article explores why modernizing your AWS applications matters, and StratusGrid's unique approach to integrations, DevOps, and databases. We also look at our 12 strategies for modernizing applications, including containerization and serverless computing. 

Why Modernize AWS Applications?

You may migrate to AWS and think your job is done. Alternatively, your business may have started in the cloud and you’re patting yourself on the back. But to truly get the most out of AWS’s environment, you need to ensure that it’s modernized.

But what exactly does that mean? It’s simple. Modernization means that you reduce costs by ensuring that you’re only paying for the compute resources you’re actually consuming

From there, the benefits of modernizing snowball. 

  • Software efficiency: Modernizing your software optimizes your costs by streamlining your AWS infrastructure.
  • App performance: Modernizing applications makes them faster, and more reliable.  
  • Market positioning: A higher-performing application improves customer satisfaction. Even better? It also gives you an edge over your competitors.

Read our blog on The Benefits of Cloud Migration –And The Risks of Ignoring It here.

AWS Application Modernization: Amplified Life Revamps their Data and Communication

Amplified Life, a life coaching and counseling service, was using AWS. When they hired StratusGrid to analyze their cloud, we found that Amplified Life’s CloudFront was not being used well.

StratusGrid fixed the CloudFront distribution. Working with Amplified Life StratusGrid increased their understanding of their cloud environment, they built analytics with Amazon Athena and showed best practices to increase security. This change also improved content and data organization. 

To improve communication on the AWS environment for Amplified Life, StratusGrid also made a custom Lambda function. Their cloud now uses a Simple Notification Service (SNS) to keep team members and customers in the loop.

With these changes, Amplified Life now uses their cloud tools to the max:

  • Generating metrics to improve decision-making based on data.
  • Automatically send important notifications to clients and teams.
  • Cloud security increases
  • Full understanding of AWS cloud and best practices

Want to know more? Book a free consultation with StratusGrid

StratusGrid's Unique Approach: Visibility and Understanding of Your Complex AWS Environment

StratusGrid works with you as a partner. We help you modernize your cloud apps to boost performance and cut costs.

Automation Integration

StratusGrid incorporates automation in the modernization process. By automating tasks, you save time as you reduce manual efforts. It also improves accuracy as you cut human mistakes.

For example, you could automate the deletion of any unused EBS volumes, for cost savings purposes. You could have hundreds of EBS volumes to delete. That number would make it very slow, boring work to do it manually. Using automation AWS takes care of it for you in minutes. 

Adopting DevOps Practices

Using DevOps principles, StratusGrid focuses on continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). We ensure that your applications are optimized for the best cloud performance. They will be fast, flexible, well-tested, and scalable.

Database Modernization

By modernizing your database, you can fully migrate from a commercial engine to a cloud one such as AWS Aurora.

You can also move from an on-premise database to the AWS Cloud. The other option is to move to the same DB engine with a managed instance.

You have 3 main options to modernize your database:

  1. Lift and shift: You copy your existing applications to cloud infrastructure, such as AWS, without redesigning any applications. This technique is also known as rehosting, and it’s fast but it isn’t always the more efficient method.
  2. Move to managed: Moving to managed means that you switch to a managed cloud environment, such as Amazon RDS. So AWS handles the operations for you. So they manage backups, recovery, and patching.
  3. Modernize: Modernizing is when you truly move away from your legacy systems and invest in understanding and using serverless services in the cloud. By shifting your application architecture to use modern AWS data services, like Amazon Aurora or DynamoDB, you can manage your costs more efficiently.

With StratusGrid, we work with you to fully modernize your database, and help you harness the power of the cloud.

Application Dependency Mapping

Application Dependency Mapping (ADM) is when you map all the elements in your software environment. In other words, you document all the interactions between apps and infrastructure.

An ADM helps IT leaders see stock and applications. Your team can see how they link and work together. Before starting your modernization project StratusGrid maps all your technology with you.

Security Enhancement

At StratusGrid, security isn’t an afterthought. We build safety measures right from the start of the modernization process. As a team, we identify security risks and implement controls. 

Using governance services, such as AWS Config and AWS Organizations, StratusGrid puts guardrails in place proactively. By implementing guardrails around your AWS environment, you reduce the risk of “resource sprawl.” If resource sprawl is allowed to happen, it can increase costs unnecessarily, or accidentally leak data through the use of unauthorized and unsecured services.

Performance Optimization

StratusGrid is an AWS Premier Partner that specializes in performance optimization. With over 10 years of experience improving application performance in the cloud, we can build a solution that works for you. We work with AWS-specific tools and services to ensure the best outcome for you. 

Learn more with a StratusGrid consultation

Next, we'll go over our 12 key strategies for modernizing applications for AWS cloud environments. 

Read our blog on 9 AWS Migration Tools You Need for a Successful Cloud Migration here.

StratusGrid's 12 Strategies for AWS Application Modernization

1 - Autoscaling Implementation

When you use autoscaling in your cloud, your resource capacity changes automatically to meet the demand of your users. By implementing autoscaling, you reduce support engineering effort, and remove at least one variable from growing pains.

2 - Containerization

We recommend that clients organize their application's code with libraries and files in container images. 

Why?  When you create container images, the resulting container can run on any infrastructure. You can then deploy your code in different environments without having to rewrite it. This method gives you flexibility and scalability to deploy applications on-premises, in the cloud, or a combination of both, using the same deployment model.

3 - Microservices Architecture

With microservices architecture, you get a framework that develops and deploys apps faster. Each microservice works on one app feature. It communicates with other microservices to solve business issues.

4 - Monolith Strangling

You can replace parts without changing the functionality by breaking apart your monolith applications into microservices. This process is known as strangling. Despite the morbid name, strangling saves you time and makes it easier to run and improve applications.

5 - Service Templatization

By templatizing your services, StratusGrid creates a single standard across your AWS environment.

6 - Cloud Compliance at Scale With Automation

With AWS, you can ensure your cloud compliance at scale. You don’t have to worry about checking each component as that full cloud compliance process can be automated.

7 - Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Conversion

Rather than using manual processes to manage your infrastructure, Infrastructure as a Code (IaC) uses coded files to better edit and distribute configurations. At StratusGrid, we implement IaC to automate and reduce configuration errors.

8 - Testing Implementation or Rebuild

We fully test before implementation to ensure that everything is ready. This practice helps us to identify any opportunities for improvement. 

9 - Serverless Computing

AWS can automatically provision, scale, and manage your infrastructure to run your code. By implementing serverless computing, your developers will be able to build applications faster.

10 - Function-Based Development (Lambda)

After StratusGrid implements AWS Lambda, you will never have to manage servers again. It scales automatically and optimizes performance. You only pay by the millisecond, so you don’t incur costs for extra infrastructure.

11 - Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) streamlines and accelerates the development lifecycle.

12 - Monitoring and Observability Improvements

Improve efficiencies and reduce downtime with this feature that StratusGrid implements.

Want to learn more? Find out how StratusGrid can help your business with a consultation call.

Optimize Your AWS App's Potential with StratusGrid’s Modernization Services

Take your AWS applications to the next level by modernizing them. Using StratusGrid’s tried-and-tested approach you improve your business without the stress. We work closely with you and ensure that the process goes smoothly and according to plan.

Book a free call with our team of experts today to discuss your modernization needs. We’re here to help!

BONUS: Find Out if Your Organization is Ready for The Cloud ⤵️