Identify Up To 50% in AWS Savings with Stratusphere

Reduce your cloud costs and take control of your complex AWS environments. With Stratusphere FinOps you can get actionable insights ranked by level of effort to help you optimize your AWS spending.


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  • With a deep understanding of FinOps, the Stratusgrid team have developed a unique application that provides insightful analysis to help drive cloud cost efficiencies and spot opportunities for architectural improvements. The team’s balanced understanding of SaaS business and technology drivers is a real differentiator."

  • Stratusphere is awesome. It fits a unique need in the market, has a refreshing pricing model, and I've been telling everyone about it.”

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Stratusphere FinOps

Take Control of Your Cloud Spending

Clarify Your Cloud Spend

Just connect Stratusphere to your AWS account and get a full breakdown of your cloud spending. Track spending trends, monitor historical patterns, and forecast future expenses all in one dashboard.

Get Actionable Insights

Automatically receive tailored insights and recommendations to help reduce your cloud spending. Categorize optimization opportunities by Level of Effort and potential savings.

Unlock Cloud Savings

Maximize your cloud efficiency with intelligent recommendations tailored to your needs. Identify optimization opportunities and implement targeted strategies to reduce AWS expenses, achieving up to 50% in AWS savings.

Complex Environment Visibility

Access comprehensive insights across all your AWS accounts in one convenient platform. Effortlessly navigate through multiple accounts using intuitive filters to understand performance and areas for improvement.

AWS Cloud Cost Optimization

Get the data-driven insights you need to make well-informed financial decisions for your organization. See a full breakdown of your cloud usage costs so you can uncover opportunities to maximize your savings.

Complex AWS Environment Visibility

Confidently navigate your AWS infrastructure with unparalleled visibility into complex cloud environments. We've designed Stratusphere to provide enterprises with access to a comprehensive shared view of AWS cloud cost across all AWS environments.

FinOps AWS Collaboration

Tailored for finance professionals, our Analysis dashboard mirrors a P&L report. Seamlessly tie usage costs to projections and easily export data to align items like user activity. Effortlessly monitor AWS expenses, reduce manual tasks and boost real-time pricing and forecasting visibility.

Optimize Your Cloud Spending

Stratusphere FinOps is designed to give you unparalleled cloud insights. Allowing you to cut cloud costs, without the guesswork.

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Discover How Crunchyroll Identified 18x ROI in AWS savings 

Facing escalating AWS costs, Crunchyroll turned to Stratusphere FinOps and gained visibility into their AWS spending and identified significant cost optimization opportunities. The results?

They identified an incredible 18x ROI in savings! Click below to read the full case study and learn how Crunchyroll achieved this remarkable success.

Stratusphere FinOps

See Stratusphere in Action

Schedule a free live demo to discover how Stratusphere can help you understand and optimize your AWS cloud spending.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can Stratusphere FinOps provide most updated data and analytics on our AWS usage?

Absolutely! Stratusphere FinOps is engineered to deliver updated insights into your AWS usage. Our dashboard is intuitive and dynamic, updating daily to reflect your current AWS usage and costs. This means you can make informed decisions instantly and ensure optimal cloud cost management and efficiency.

Can Stratusphere FinOps integrate data from different companies into a single dashboard?

Yes, one of the standout features of Stratusphere FinOps is its ability to integrate data from multiple companies & AWS organizations into a unified dashboard seamlessly. For private equity firms with a diverse portfolio of companies, this means you can have a centralized view of AWS costs and usage, enabling efficient analysis and cost optimization across the board.

Can we customize who has access to the shared views within our organization?

Certainly! We understand the importance of data privacy and security. With Stratusphere FinOps, you have complete control over access permissions. You can easily customize who within your organization can view and interact with the shared data, ensuring confidentiality and integrity while promoting collaboration and insight sharing.

Can it provide predictive analytics or trends based on current data?

Yes, Stratusphere FinOps is not just about presenting data but also about offering actionable insights. Our advanced algorithms analyze your current AWS usage and cost data to predict future trends. This predictive analytics feature empowers you to anticipate and anticipate for future costs while executing actionable insights ranked by level of effort. 

How user-friendly is the financial analysis feature for non-tech finance professionals?

We’ve designed Stratusphere FinOps with user experience at the forefront. Finance professionals, regardless of their tech savviness, will find the financial analysis features intuitive and easy to use. The dashboard mirrors a P&L report, with data export options and real-time insights that transform cost projections and financial modeling. It’s financial analysis, simplified!

Does Stratusphere FinOps support the execution of cost-saving actions identified by the dashboard?

Our proserve does this with you. You will be backed by the StratusGrid team of experienced AWS cloud engineers ready to implement cost-saving changes, ensuring that identified savings are realized.

Need to See It to Believe It?

Discover how Stratusphere FinOps can help you optimize your cloud spending with a free live demo.